We look forward to hearing from you!
For travellers looking for authentic connections with locals
First of all,,,
we would love you to step into the woods and feel the diverse forms of life all around you.
This is the best place to set your body clock to the Nishiawakura Village time.

A home away from home: an authentic Japanese country life experience. Nokishita Toshokan B&B is an eco-friendly bed and breakfast fully dedicated to the comfort of sensitive and nature-loving travellers.
Bed & Breakfast
We serve healthy home-made breakfast items such as scones, granola, porridge and green smoothie. All of the other food offerings are also wholesome and made with love. We cater to our vegan as well as vegetarian customers.

Artisan’s Tours
in Okayama Countryside
-For travellers looking for authentic connections with locals-

Casual walk in the valley offers you friendly and easy interactions with locals. You will see carefully tended vegetable gardens adding accents to our rice paddies where frogs sing to their hearts' content in early summer.
In spring and autumn, we recommend you go up the hill and walk on the trails through the beautiful woods with hundreds of ancient trees and rare wild flowers blooming along the paths.
If you are staying longer enough, we will take you to a stone circle where the animals reign where everything is still and serene.